Jonathan Douglas
Exterior Lead
Door Shop
Congratulations to our STAR Employee for the month of March, Jonathan Douglas! Jonathan is the Exterior Door Lead and Safety Lead at our Harbin Door Shop. He has been a part of the HLC family for almost 2 and a half years now in which we are so lucky to have him on our team! When thinking of Jonathan, the T. in our S.T.A.R is what perfectly describes him! His ability to Teach others and Learn is one of the things that make him an exceptional employee!
Prior to his time with Harbin, Jonathan was actually a teacher! He taught Pre-K at Elbert County for 3 years and also Special Education at Franklin County for 3 years. Although he did not originally come from a background with knowledge of the building material industry, he quickly adjusted and was able to train under one of our long-term employees of 40 years, Randy Shiflet. “Randy taught me everything there is to know about an Exterior Door and how to properly ensure quality checks. I am thankful for his wisdom and the opportunity to learn from him.”– Jonathan
One of Jonathan’s greatest strengths is his ability to effectively teach and mentor others. He goes above and beyond to share his knowledge and experiences with his colleagues, helping them grow both personally and professionally. Jonathan understands that by empowering others with the skills and knowledge he has acquired in our industry, he is not only helping them succeed but also contributing to the growth and success of our organization.
“Jonathan has been with us nearly 3 years and has done an excellent job in that short amount of time. He is always willing to go above and beyond to help get our orders out on time. He originally started out in our interior division but when we were having a hard time hiring someone for exterior he stepped up and volunteered to move to exterior. Since moving to exterior, he has grown tremendously and has worked his way up to be the lead in exterior. It is a pleasure getting to work with Jonathan.” – Eddie Wester, Door Shop, General Manager
Jonathan’s commitment to his team is truly commendable. He recognizes and appreciates the hard work and effort put in by his colleagues to complete their jobs successfully. He understands that without their dedication and contributions, achieving our goals would not be possible. “I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for them. They work hard and deserve more recognition than they get.” – Jonathan
In addition to his teaching abilities and appreciation for his team, Jonathan’s own work ethic is exemplary. He consistently goes the extra mile to ensure that tasks are completed to the highest standard. His dedication and determination inspire those around him to strive for excellence and give their best effort in everything they do. His attention to detail is what makes him the perfect Safety Lead at our Door Shop. “Jonathan has been the Door Shop Safety Lead since August of last year. He will certainly verify standards with OSHA if he has doubts and may offer a suggestion of a better way. I am thankful for what he contributes to our safety culture.” – Shelley Coles, Safety Director
When he is not working, he loves spending time with his family! He is married to his beautiful wife, Mary, of 15 years. Together, they have 2 children, Matthew, and Abigail. Jonathan enjoys traveling, going on cruises, watching the Braves and Georgia Bulldogs (GO DAWGS!), or reading a good book! He is also the Care and Connections Pastor for 3 years at the Royston Church of God.
Overall, Jonathan’s ability to teach others, his gratitude towards his team, and his strong work ethic make him a deserving recipient of the STAR employee of the month award. He serves as an inspiration to all of us and reminds us of the importance of continuous learning, teamwork, and dedication. We are grateful to have Jonathan as a part of our organization, and we look forward to witnessing his continued growth and success.
Favorite Quotes:
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
—Martin Luther King, Jr.
“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.“
– 9:6 Galatians