This week is National Women in Construction Week and we are honoring all of the female employees here at Harbin Lumber for their dedication to the company! Each of the ladies featured are all valuable assets to the Harbin Lumber Company operation and this is their time to be recognized for the hard work they put in day in and day out!
Load Star
When we think of constructing a new home or building, we may think about the design and interior details that come along with it. But without roof and floor trusses, homes would not be able to stand strongly! That is why this group of women are especially important to our operations at Load Star, truss manufacturing division of Harbin Lumber. All the Load Star women hold positions that create a strong operations system including Safety Director, Human Resource Assistant, Truss Production, Truss Designer and Office Assistant.
Though each of them holds different titles, they all coordinate together to make sure things are running smoothly internally. They all enjoy being an integral part of the office and having the background and experience to coordinate various functions. Though they are all consistently busy in their own tasks, they all step up when help is needed, and they really shine while doing so.
Shelly, Ingrid, Zaida, Julie and Donna are great examples of breaking the gender barriers that are present in the business of construction and building. They all exemplify grit and discipline daily and when tasked with something that may seem challenging, they go above and beyond to prove they can achieve whatever they put their minds to. Harbin Lumber commends you all for your consistent hard work!

Harbin Door Shop
It is no secret that Harbin Lumber Company has strong women that succeed in their roles and that is certainly true for the ladies of the Harbin Lumber Door Shop! Shelly, Ally, Lori, and Martha all have a hand in the operations of building our custom doors and windows and they each have something special to offer to their role.
These women all began their positions at the Harbin Door Shop within the last four years, but it seems they have worked together forever. They all have a humor to them that makes their time working fun and exciting every day. Even when it gets down to the nitty gritty of their jobs, they all say that nothing is ever the same and there are so many options that keeps us learning new things.
Steve Jobs once said, “the only way to do great work is to love what you do” and these women exemplify their great work daily. Though the lumber and construction industries are viewed as male dominant, it is powerful to see these women accomplish their goals and show great dedication to the roles each of them plays!